Massage linen and sheets Canada

If you work as a professional massage therapist or teaching the art of massage therapy, you know that the most important thing is that your customer is comfortable when lying down on the massage table. Soft yet resistant sheets and linen, blankets, and pillowcase are key to ensure your customer or patient remains relaxed during the whole massage. As we are one of the best massage linen and sheets manufacturers (Allezhousses) and online shops in Canada, our priority is to provide you with the finest massage sheets, linen, and blankets so your customers will be 100 % satisfied.

Equip your massage therapy business, clinic, or spa, with massage linen, that includes sheet sets for massage tables, massage blankets, pillowcases and bolsters covers, disposable sheets, linen cleaning products, and disposable and biodegradable massage products, all made by 100 % Canadian brand Allezhousses.

Whether you need sets of 3-piece flannel sheets for massage table, massage fleece blanket, quilted fitted sheet for massage table, “wave” pillows, massage linen detergent, headrest pillowcase, or bolster pillowcase, you will find all the massage linen products and supplies that you need at the same place.


If you have questions about our massage linen and sheets, our services, or prices, we invite you to contact us by phone or email. Our specialized team is there to advise you and provide you with all the information you need. Save big and buy your massage products online and get shipping everywhere in Canada.

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